Real Estate
Bob Tallman & Phil Sanders - Texas Realtors
Have you ever thought about not doing something because it never enters your mind? I’ve been putting ranches together for the last 40 years, COVID took over and me and my partner Phil Sanders, right here Peaster, TX, said ‘You know what? We’ve got bills to pay, families to raise, grandkids to help nurture, we better get us a real estate license.’ He’s been a land man for 40 years, I’ve been trading ranches for 40 years so we put our heads together and went through about 210 hours of real estate school. He passed with flying colors, I passed with a flag, but the real estate business in Texas was in a frenzy when we started and if you had it for sale somebody was going to buy it.
Times have changed, the economy has changed, the recession has changed. All of those political things that we have no control over have changed a lot in the real estate business. We are diversified from residential to commercial, to industrial, solar, wind, leasing, money-management, product management. Which means we take money and buy houses, rentals, 2x4s, 4x6s, 8 plexes and manage them for people with other companies and create generational wealth.
Real estate, I couldn't do it without my partner. We keep anywhere between 25 & 35 million dollars on our books at all times.
Will it sell tomorrow? Let’s see how good it is. Does it need cleaning up? I’m gonna tell you that, and we welcome you to our world and the way we operate with real estate under the banner of Wesley Stout, our broker, at Platinum Realty in Weatherford, TX. We have affiliate brokerage/agents in 40 other states. Real Estate is the #1 business in Texas and we are blessed to be right in the middle of it!